100 reviews and going strong

Posted by admin on April 06, 2011
Development, Games, Windows Phone

MonsterUp received today it’s 100th review on the marketplace in all countries. Said review said just “Luv it!!!!” and was from user “Sir Garwee” who we thank for that:) It was of course a solid 10/10 (5 stars) rate, like the vast majority of the reviews we get for MonsterUp. The average of all the reviews from all countries is more than 91% which of course translates to 4 1/2 stars out of 5, even though we had a slow start and less than perfect launch for MonsterUp, we think we made it up for you guys!

I Luv It

I Luv It

Thank you everybody for your support, we will continue to provide quality stuff and a few surprises await. We try not to rush anything these days, so things will get there when they are ready.

Our collectible 100 reviews CSV is available here, for your data crunching pleasure.

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